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11/2/2011 11:36:32 PM
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Total Posts 1

درخواست مقاله


The Characteristics Research of Tube Vortex Based on Large Eddy Simulation
Applied Mechanics and Materials (Volumes 121 - 126)
Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science II
Dongye Sun, Wen-Pei Sung and Ran Chen
Dun Zhang et al., 2011, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 121-126, 3657
October, 2011
Dun Zhang, Yuan Zheng, Ying Zhao, Jian Jun Huang
Draft Tube, Francis Turbine, Vortex
Numerical simulation of three-dimensional transient turbulent flow in the whole flow passage of a Francis turbine were based upon the large eddy simulation(LES) technique on Smargorinsky model and sliding mesh technology. The steady flow data simulated with the standard k-εmodel was used as the initial conditions for the unsteady simulation. The results show that LES can do well transient turbulent flow simulation in a Francis turbine with complex geometry. The computational method provides some reference for exploring the mechanism of eddy formation in a complex turbulent of hydraulic machinery.
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Thermal Large Eddy Simulation in a Very Simplified Geometry of a Solar Receiver

Sylvain Serraa, Adrien Toutanta
Françoise Bataillea
Available online: 28 Sep 2011
Heat Transfer Engineering





A laser-Doppler velocimetry study of ensemble-averaged characteristics of the turbulent near wake of a square cylinder

D. A. Lyn a1, S. Einav a2, W. Rodi a3 and J.-H. Park a4
a1 School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
a2 Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
a3 Institute for Hydromechanics, Universität. Karlsruhe, D-7500 Karlsruhe, Germany
a4 Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea



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