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5/16/2011 6:34:13 PM
View user profile for mahmoodn
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درخواست دانلود از scienceDirect

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با ارسال لینک کمکی مقاله زیر به من کمک بزرگی رو به من کردین. پیشاپیش از همه دوستان کمال تشکر رو دارم.


name of article: Involving the police in tourism

by: Mitchell J Muehsam


5/17/2011 1:54:01 PM
View user profile for leilabadyreza
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پاسخ: درخواست دانلود از scienceDirect

سلام اگه ممكنه اين مقالات رو براي من بذاريد

Laser-assisted machining of hardened steel parts with surface integrity analysis

The Workpiece Material-Laser Interaction and the Laser-Assisted Machining

Modelling the aspects of precision and efficiency in laser-assisted jet electrochemical machining

An experimental study of laser-assisted machining of hard-to-wear white cast iron

Laser-assisted machining of compacted graphite

Deformation mechanisms and constitutive modeling for silicon nitride undergoing laser-assisted machining

Investigation of a novel hybrid process of laser drilling assisted with jet electrochemical machining

Machinability improvement of titanium alloy (Ti–6Al–4V) via LAM and hybrid machining

Optimization of the process parameters affecting the microstructures and properties of compacted graphite iron

Comprehension of chip formation in laser assisted machining

8/10/2011 4:45:12 AM
View user profile for phyco
Total Posts 40

پاسخ: درخواست دانلود از scienceDirect


8/30/2011 6:06:04 PM
View user profile for elfha
Total Posts 1

پاسخ: درخواست دانلود از scienceDirect

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